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Hangklip high School
Our aim is to become a leading school by appointing highly qualified, knowledgeable and motivated teachers in co-operation with parents and the business community. We also strive for the most affordable facilities within the school environment.
No. 2
Our Vision & Mission
It is our vision to become a leading school, not only within the Queenstown district, but in South Africa as a whole. Furthermore, within the scope of vision, we optimally strive towards developing a responsible child, and to provide them with the necessary life skills to further their own development to the best of their abilities and to allow them to contribute to their wider communities.
We aim to attain the above mentioned by appointing highly qualified, knowledgeable and motivated teachers who work in co-operation with parents and the business community. We also strive to develop the most affordable facilities within the school environment.
Ons Visie & Missie
Dit is ons visie om ‘n toonaangewende skool in Queenstown en in Suid-Afrika te wees deur ‘n verantwoordelike, gelukkige kind optimaal te ontwikkel en toe te rus om bydraes te maak tot voordeel van eie ontwikkeling sowel as die vooruitgang van die gemeenskap.
Ons wil bogenoemde bereik deur die aanwending van gekwalifiseerde, goed toegeruste, gemotiveerde en kundinge onderwysers in samewerking met die ouer- en sakegemeenskap met die beste bekostigbare fasiliteite binne skoolomgewing.
Akademie / Academics
By Hoërskool Hangklip word uitnemende onderrig gesien as ‘n paspoort tot elke leerder se suksesvolle toekoms.
Ons streef om elke leerder se volle potensiaal te ontwikkel.

Afrikaans en Engels
SENIOR FASE: (Gr 8 en 9)
- Afrikaans Huistaal OF Afrikaans Eerstse Addisionele Taal
- English Home Language OF English First additional Language
- Menslike en Sosiale Wetenskappe
- Tegnologie
- Wiskunde
- Natuurwettenskappe
- Skeppende Kunste
- Ekonomiese Bestruursweteenskappe
- Lewensoriëntering
Voorgesette Onderwys & Opleiding (VOO Gr 10 – 12)
- Afrikaans Huistaal OF Afrikaans Eerstse Addisionele Taal
- English Home Language OF English First additional Language
- Lewensoriëtering
- Wiskunde OF Wiskundige Geletterdheid
Enige 3 vakke uit die volgende 3 groepe
- Fisiese wetenskappe OF Verbruikerstudies OF Rekenaar Toepassings Tegnologie OF Geskiedenis
- Lewenswettenskappe OF Besigheidstudies OF Rekenaar Toepassings Tegnologie
- Geografie OF Rekeningkunde OF Ingenieursgrafika en Ontwerp
Afrikaans en Engels
SENIOR PHASE: (Gr. 8 and 9)
- English Home Language OR English First Additional Language
- Afrikaans Huistaal OR Afrikaans Eerstse Addisionele Taal
- Social Sciences (SS)
- Technology
- Mathematics
- Natural Sciences
- Creative Arts
- Economic and Management Sciences
- Life Orientation
Further Education and Training
(FET Gr. 10-12)
- English Home Language OF English First additional Language
- Afrikaans Huistaal OF Afrikaans Eerstse Addisionele Taal
- Life Oroentation
- Mathematics OR Mathematical Literacy
Any 3 subjects from the 3 groups
- Physical Sciences OR Consumer Studies OR Computer Applications Technology OR History
- Life Sciences OR Business Studies OR Computer Applications Technology
- Geography OR Accounting OR Engineering, Graphics and Design

Aktiwiteite / Activities
Buitemuurse / Extracurricular
Learners’ skills in their chosen sport or cultural activities are developed by means of specialised coaching, camps and tours.
Leerders se vaardighede om in hulle gekose sportsoort of kultuur aktiwiteite te presteer, word deur middle van gespesialiseerde afrigting, kampe en toere ontwikkel.

Sport en Kultuur
- Die volgende sportsoorte word aangebied: Rugby, tennis, atletiek, netball, krieket, hokkie, muurbal en swem.
- Die skool beskik oor die volgende sport fasiliteite: rugby velde en rugby-gimnasium, netbalbane, tennisbane, hokkievelde, muurbalbane, ‘n swembad, ‘n skietbaan, krieketvelde en oeffennette.
- Die skool maak voorsiening vir VCSV, Redenaarsvereninge, ATKV-klub, Debat, Musiekteater, Interact, Drama, Omgewingsklub en Boekklub.
Sport and Culture
- Learners can participate in the following sports: Rugby, tennis, athletics, netball, cricket, hockey, squash and swimming.
- The following facilities are available: rugby fields and rugby gymnasium, netball courts, tennis courts, hockey fields, squash courts, swimming pool, cricket fields and cricket nets.
- The school provides for the following: SCA, Debating Society, Public Speaking, ATKV-Club, Music Theatre, Interact, Drama, Environmental Club and Book Club.

At Hangklip High School excellent teaching is seen as the passport to every learner’s successful future. We strive to help learners to reach their full potential.
Meet Head Master

AJ Wagener
Meet Our Staff
Contact Us
045 838 3552
Olivier Str
Eastern Cape
Mon – Fri 7:30 am – 1:30 pm